
Let me convey all good wishes and prayers to all family members
in the context of the publication of our family history and directory
and would like to remind a few thoughts and deeds which will guide
us in the years to come. Family is as old as human creation. It is
established by God Almighty. To keep it’s unity, nobility, purity, and
sacredness is our topmost responsibility. The basic unit of Christianity is family.
Married life is often compared to the relationship between Christ and the Church.
“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for
God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Hebrews 13:4)
Men and Woman united in marriage becomes ONE. They are complimentary
to each other in partnership, unity, love, respect, sharing and caring making it blissful
and meaningful. God-centered married life makes heaven on earth when it is based
on the true unity of the mind, body, and soul. It spreads, communicates, and builds
healthy relationships in the family. There the language of love is of supreme
importance. Language and culture are always interrelated. In such an atmosphere
only, children can grow and develop their personalities to helpful and useful citizens
of the world.
It is not the wealth we possess or the comforts we acquire make our life
meaningful. But it is the love we give and receive in the family. Parentage is a
divine privilege and responsibility. Children imitate parents easily and so parents
should be models for them in words and deeds are to be always remembered. It is
our sacred responsibility to love and care our parents like we love and care our
children, in their old age. It is an integral part of our legacy and to be remembered
and transmitted to coming generations too.
As our family has become global, we should remember our kith and kin, far
and near in our prayers. It will surely strengthen our bonds and our children will
also continue the same, which is one of our prime responsibilities too. Prayer is
power and it is an assurance for our love and unity. May God bless us all.

For Family History Committee,

P. ALEX, Bsc Engg. FIE,
Convenor of Editorial Board & Secretary,
Puthenparampil Kudumbayogam.